

🌍 Address :- Rasam, Rave 3, Parwati Bagla Rd, Tilak Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208002

According to visitors reviews Rasam is place for South Indian food, fine dinning restaurant is very classy. They do lot of experiments with their recipes. The staff is good and there is lot of parking space . This Restaurant got 4.2 out of 5 Google Rating and 3.9 out of 5 from 3.9 Zomato .

📞 Contact number :- 0512 255 5050

🌟 Photos

2020-02-23 (2)
2020-02-23 (1)
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🌟 Opening and closing timing

• Monday :- 12–3pm 7–11pm

• Tuesday :- 12–3pm 7–11pm

• Wednesday :- 12–3pm 7–11pm

• Thursday :- 12–3pm 7–11pm

• Friday :- 12–3pm 7–11pm

• Saturday :- 12–3pm 7–11pm

• Sunday 12–3pm 7–11pm

🌟 Frequently asked Questions

1 – What are the various services provided by Rasam ?

Answer :- Delivery , Takeaway , Dine-in and Dining options like Dessert etc .

2 – What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

Answer :- You can make payment via cash , mobile wallet etc .

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